At different times, I have maintained contact with people here – people that I’ve met in person – in a text format (on my computer). While this correspondence is fairly comfortable, I often find that – if it gets a little more personal: talking on the phone, meeting socially – there’s an almost palpable panic. Although there are reasons for this – language and culture barriers are big ones, I’m sure – I also believe that texting gives people a sense of security that may not always be a good thing. I mean, there was a time, not so long ago, when even all but the most unsocial (and wealthiest) agoraphobes of us would more frequently interact with each other personally. It wasn’t that traumatic, and in different ways, from a human standpoint, it was probably good. This, I will also acknowledge, is most likely another similarity between our two cultures.
My opinion on this hadn’t changed until a few days ago, when I had asked, while paying a bill, where a waitress that I know had gone. As the manager vaguely told me, the bartender listened and gave a short chuckle that was out of place. As I took my change and walked out, I pondered small events from my week: consulting with a student as three others, almost literally, breathed down my neck (I’d tell them to get back and they’d take a step back and then step forward again…I felt like I should have been holding a whip and a chair); having a semi-private conversation with someone as two others took it all in, one adding her own comments; bargaining with a merchant as a small crowd formed around us. All very routinely disconcerting. And I remembered the last time I saw this waitress: keeping her distance from everyone – sitting off behind another counter fiddling with her phone – until she came out to say goodnight to me.
And so my thoughts turned to cell phones and text messages and, for the first time in my life, I saw some practical, everyday use for them: privacy. This is different from the United States. Everyone in China is either up into everyone else’s business or trying to get up into everyone else’s business. Most just accept it as part of the culture or chalk it up to the fact that there are so many people here. But maybe, in some cases, texting is a manifestation – conscious or subconscious – of a struggle against the lack of it: no matter how many people are around, text messages are silent and hard to see. Having changed my mind a little, I’m not going to run out and buy a mobile phone – I still think they’re anti-social. But, if some people have chosen to use this machine to rage against another that is probably worse, then I guess I’m okay with that.
WOW. I can't believe that you have come/gone over to the dark side. You are right, of course, texts cannot be overheard which does afford privacy, albeit with a penalty down the road. Like Judge Judy I can't help but wonder what people's thumbs are going to resemble after a generation or two of texting. As far as using the mobile, since owning one, I believe they are indespensible in emergencies. As testament I can offer the many times the train was late; shopping ended earlier than expected, etc. when either I or whoever I was meeting was left uninformed and irritated because of the inaccessability of a phone. Tho I am still such a novice more often than not I do leave home w/o it. In any event it is here to stay and it is easier to accept that fact, and enjoy its benefits, than it is to rail fruitlessly against it. RM
Hi RM:
I wouldn't say that. I'm just condoning the use of them as a way to combat invasion of privacy. In that way, I'm condoning their use for those in China who are struggling against a crummy aspect of the culture here. In the United States, this isn't a comparable societal problem.
Do I think that most Chinese people are rebelling? No. Just the opposite. I think that most are hooked on the same stuff that everyone else is hooked on: meaningless texts, Angry Birds, and otherwise detaching themselves from their immediate surroundings/society. But for those who are trying to combat nosey bystanders - of which there are an astronomical number here - then I'm okay with it.
As far as railing fruitlessly against mobile phones, I don't usually do that unprovoked. For this essay, I brought it up to set up my unlikely defense of them. In other situations, I usually leave it alone unless I am questioned either too much or too vigorously about why I don't have one.
Anyways, good luck with your cell phone. Watch out for your thumbs.
I agreed with RM that (for me) it becomes indespensible in emergencies.
I do not have a fancy ones like Blackberry or iphone, all I have a basic cell so I can communicate with others when it is needed.
Unlike other people, they have their cells all the time, and it equip with all kinds of stuff like games, video, etc, I don't have time for that, all I need is, if I run in late, I can call, if I am in any emergency, i.e. car broke down on the street, then I can call AAA for service.
I know for some people, they only have cell not landline, due to comparable rate.
And also, it is not easy to locate a phone booth these days.
And also, for some people, they are not good at using computer.
There are lots of pros and cons, I don't care for other people, for me, I always treat my phone as emergency backup.
What are Angry Birds? RM
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