Last year, very late in the crawfish season, after having brought back a big load, I put them in a large basin on the kitchen counter, by the window. Usually, the wait between cleaning and boiling isn’t very long, but on this day it would be. Since it was so late in the season, I hadn’t wanted to keep them in their cramped little bag; I was afraid that the conditions would kill too many of them, making them uneatable. Leaving them there, loose in the basin, I moved on to other things. There had been one pathetic looking one: claws, feelers, antennae all amputated…unable to move. When I went back to check on him I saw that, surprisingly, the rest had formed a pile at the edge closest to the window and that one had climbed to its peak, just now hooking one of his claws over the rim and struggling up. I knocked him back down and scattered the group, prodding them to various parts of the basin with a chopstick. This went on all afternoon. Every crawfish was involved. Even the multiple amputee, off by himself, looked towards the reformed piles with seemingly great interest. And whenever they’d sense me nearby, they’d all stop – frozen – until I had moved away. At first amused, then curious, then increasingly uncertain, I was now forced to consider these crawfish as something more than I’d thought them to be when I’d first dumped them out of their bag. That evening, not really hungry, I made sure to eat the little amputee – much the same way as the Mohawks were said to have eaten the heart of the martyred Isaac Jogues – as a sign of supreme respect.
I would not eat this crab now staring at me. He had earned his freedom and would receive it. Eight were cooked that evening, but he and one female were held aside – chilled into hibernation – in the fridge. After consulting maps of Nanjing, bus routes, and the Internet (it turns out that the hardy mitten crabs are ecological public enemy #1 in the San Francisco Bay area), the three of us took the #31 bus to the end of the line: the Pukou ferry station, on the banks of the Yangtze. I paid my two kuai and, crossing the little bridge to the floating dock, knew that this place, free from anglers and protected from the turbulence of the Chang Jiang, was it. I quickly undid the binds of the female and she immediately sprung to life. The other one, who had fought so hard for his freedom, now barely moved. Two muted splashes in the water by the bridge. I went across the river.
Matt: Hope the two little refugees enjoy a long and happy life in freedom. RM
I don't know. They don't tend to live long. I was more concerned with them just living out their remaining days in a pleasant environment.
Matt. I know "good writing" when it draws or pulls me into whatever the subject quickly and without my noticing. I'm in the kitchen alone except for the crabs, staring down into the container at the crabs, noticing their differences and their movements, etc. etc. Your style takes us to where you are and what you are doing. A visit with you and the shellfish in China, just like that.
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