Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The taxi rolled down Shanghai Lu as our conversation meandered on. The three of us had been in China long enough to consider ourselves fairly sophisticated in the ways of how things happen here and passing a legit massage parlor, the topic now veered towards the illegit kind and one of our new colleagues – an amiable, laid back man in his fifties.

“Well, he was telling me how he had a full massage and a cupping for only fifty kuai.”
“What’s a cupping?”
“I don’t know, it must be some slang word…you know…”
“You mean like ‘half boom-boom’? That sort of thing?”
“Yeah, I’m thinking that it’s some sort of happy ending kind of thing…you know…”
“Wow, man…he just got here.”
“I think he knows more Chinese than he lets on…”

We all nodded knowingly and said no more. Soon, we were there.

There was my favorite club in Nanjing, a little music bar called the Polar 77. I hadn’t been there in a long time and was looking forward to it. In the back of the noisy little place, we met up with a larger than expected crowd of our colleagues, among them the main topic of our taxi conversation. Before too long, we had broken off into different subgroups and, in so doing, I ended up sitting across from this fellow playing the local variation of liar’s dice. As we played, rattling the bones and trying to outwit each other, the earlier conversation surged to the forefront of my mind. In liar’s dice, as in many situations, I try to read people – figure out where they’re at, so to speak. But now I simply couldn’t. All I could think of when I peered over my cup was, “Jesus. I really have to hand it to him. He just shows up, manages to sniff out a massage parlor, gets a cupping – whatever the hell that is – and then tells everyone about it afterwards. That takes a special kind of something…not necessarily bad or good…but something.” It just didn’t seem to fit. I’d had some conversations with the man before and no…no…it just didn’t seem to fit at all. I started losing. All very pleasant…just distracted. And losing. I finally excused myself from our game – still mildly befuddled and strangely impressed.

A few days later, I was with one of my friends who had been with me that night.

“Hey. Do you remember that whole cupping thing?”
“Yeah, sure. The massage parlor. The taxi.”
“I was talking to somebody who was talking to him about it…”
“Really? Still talking about it?”
“Yeah. Apparently, cupping is when they put those little heat cups on your back…”

I am, in fact, familiar with this procedure, a very common, respected part of traditional Chinese medicine. I once even had it proposed to me at the very same massage parlor we had been driving by, not so much because it was therapeutic, but because I had a particularly lazy masseuse who didn’t feel like doing any more work that day.

Sometimes, I can sophisticate myself right into the back of the turnip truck.

Ah, well. C’est la vie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Matt: Laugh out loud funny Matt. Good one. RM

12:13 AM, April 02, 2009  
Blogger Matt said...

Thanks for reading it. I'm very glad that you enjoyed it and thought that it was funny.

Just for the record, everybody involved in this was very supportive about posting this - even though a few of us come out looking like chuckleheads. I thank them all for their generosity.

8:03 PM, April 02, 2009  
Blogger Emma said...

the cupping!! haha i once asked my mom what the dark black round mark on her back , that is resulted from the cupping thing ! i cant believe you try that !
BTW, is the drinks in polar 77 expensive, i have read from internet, 20 yuan, a bottle of beer, right ?

5:46 PM, April 07, 2009  
Blogger Matt said...

I didn't actually try it but maybe I should have. I had it proposed to me by a very lazy masseuse, but I turned her down. She was complaining about me in Chinese to colleagues and customers alike for the remainder of my half-assed massage.

The beers at the Polar 77 start at 20 RMB if you have a VIP card. Otherwise, I think they start at 25 RMB. I still really like it there. It's got a lot of atmosphere and the musicians, singers, and staff are familiar in a friendly sort of way. I found it completely by accident one Sunday evening and was so pleased with my discovery that this is probably also part of the reason why I like it so much.

11:37 PM, April 09, 2009  
Anonymous SHEILA said...


1:43 AM, August 29, 2009  

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